











研究方向信能同传(Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power TransferSWIPT




  2004/092007/06, 天津大学,电子信息工程学院,通信与信息系统专业,博士

  1991/091994/06, 天津大学,物理系,凝聚态物理专业,硕士

  1987/091991/07, 天津大学,物理系,应用物理专业,学士


  2007/06-至今,  天津工业大学,电子与信息工程学院,通信工程系,教授

  2015/08-2016/02,澳大利亚 伍伦贡大学,访问学者

  2010/01-2013/05,河北工业大学,电气工程 流动站,博士后





1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于智能天线的无源UHF RFID系统的理论与关键技术研究,613720112014.012017.12,主持人



[1] Jianxiong Li, Xingkai Shao, Jie Li, Lijun Ge, Direction of Arrival Estimation of Array Defects Based on Deep Neural Network, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022, 41(9):4906-4927

( SCI: 000790628300001)

[2] Jianxiong Li, Ziyu Han, Synthesis of sparse square arrays with high beam collection efficiency under minimum element spacing constraints, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2022, 65(1): 240-246. (SCI: 000862164800001)

[3] Jianxiong Li, Wenlong Yang, Full Duplex High Speed Data Transmission Based on Partially Coupled Coils in Wireless Power Transmission Systems [J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2022, 119: 81-96. ( EI: 20221611981555)

[4] Jianxiong Li, Ziyu Han, Cuijuan Guo, Novel Subarray Partition Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Too Low Beam Collection Efficiency Caused by Dividing a Few Subarrays [J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 2022, 108: 223-235.(EI: 20221311852648)

[5] Jianxiong Li, Yuan Tan, A novel receiving antenna array layout method for microwave power transmission [J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 2022, 108: 187-200.(EI: 20221311852645)

[6] Jianxiong Li, Yichen Zhao, Xiaoming Zhao, Novel higher order convolutional perfectly matched layer based on complex envelope ADI-FDTD algorithm for truncating the unmagnetized plasma, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021: ( SCI: 000723197200001)

[7] Jianxiong Li, Shengjia Chang, Novel Sparse Planar Array Synthesis Model for Microwave Power Transmission Systems with High Efficiency and Low Cost, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2021,115:245-259.(EI: 20214411106515)

[8] Jianxiong Li, Zhi Li, Xiaoming Zhao, A Novel and Efficient Implementation of Higher Order CPML for Truncating the Unmagnetized Plasma, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2021, 96: 47-52. (EI: 20210709909158)

[9] Jianxiong Li, Junwen Pan, Xianguo Li, A Novel Synthesis Method of Sparse Nonuniform- Amplitude Concentric Ring Arrays for Microwave Power Transmission, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2021, 107:1-15. (EI: 20204909569363)

[10] Jianxiong Li, Shuang Ren, Cuijuan Guo, Synthesis of Sparse Arrays Based On CIGA (Convex Improved Genetic Algorithm), Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, 2020, 19(4): 444-456. (EI: 20205109635679)

[11] Jianxiong Li, Deming Li, Xianguo Li, A Real-Valued Toeplitz Matrix Method for DOA Estimation, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Revue Canadienne De Genie Electrique Et Informatique, 2020, 43(4):350-356. ( SCI: 000583696600005)

[12] Jianxiong Li, Hongyu Zhang, Wenbo Wei, Research on Throughout with SWIPT in Two-Way Relay System Under Power Splitting Receiver, Wireless Personal Communications, 2021, 118,(2):1149-1164. (SCI: 000612582000001)

[13] Jianxiong Li, Yuchen Jiang, Xiaoming Zhao, Circularly Polarized Wearable Antenna Based on NinjaFlex-Embedded Conductive Fabric, International Journal of Antenna and Propagation, 2019: Article ID 3059480. (SCI: 000487599200001)

[14] Li Jianxiong, Zhao Ke, Ding Xuelong, Shi Weiguang, Miao Changyun, Operation Scheme of SWIPT Relay System Based on Interference Energy Harvesting, Arabian Journal For Science and Engineering, 2021, 46(2):  1127-1135 (SCI: 000572013800001)

[15] Li Jianxiong, Zhao Ke, Ding Xuelong, Shi Weiguang, Resource Allocation Strategy of SWIPT Relay Under General Interference, Wireless Personal Communications, 2020, 112(3):1719-1733.( SCI: 000518122200003)

[16] Jianxiong Li, Xuelong Ding, Cuijuan Guo, Ke Zhao, Weiguang Shi, Improvement of SWIPT relaying system performance under the interference environment, Wireless Personal Communications, 2019, 106(3):1489-1505.( SCI: 000467184700028)

[17] Jianxiong Li, Peiyu Wu, Unconditionally stable higher order CNAD-PML for left-handed materials, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2019, 67(11): 7156-7161. (SCI: 000494434700047)

[18] Jianxiong Li, Peiyu Wu, Haolin Jiang, Implementation of higher order CNAD CFS-PML for truncating unmagnetised plasma, IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 2019, 13(6):756-760. (SCI: 000468055500009)

[19] Jianxiong Li, Peiyu Wu, Haolin Jiang, The implementation of unconditionally stable higher order PML based on the implicit CNAD FDTD algorithm, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2019, 33(2):151-164. (SCI: 000452036800003)

[20] Jianxiong Li, Xuelong Ding, Xianguo Li, Ke Zhao, Weiguang Shi, Research on the energy allocation scheme based on SWIPT relaying system, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2018, 23(5):1449-1458. (SCI: 000450361100032)

[21] Jianxiong Li, Peiyu Wu, Unconditionally stable CNAD- and BT-based CFS-PML implementation for truncating anisotropic magnetic plasma, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2018, 17(7): 1176-1180. (SCI: 000437873600012)

[22] Jianxiong Li, Peiyu Wu, Efficient PML implementation based on the unconditionally stable CN-FDTD algorithm for anisotropic magnetized plasma, Optik, 2018, 171: 468-475. (SCI: 000444660700063)

[23] Jianxiong Li, Wei Jiao, Effective CFS-PML formulations based on 2-D TE phi BOR-FDTD for the Drude model, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 2018,33(4): 438-442. (SCI: 000432579800011)

[24] Jianxiong Li, Wei Jiao, Xiaoming Zhao, Uncondibtionally Stable CFS-PML Based on CNAD-BOR-FDTD for Truncating Unmagnetized Plasma, IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2018, 60(6): 2069-2072. (SCI: 000443149000064)

[25] Jianxiong Li, Xueyang Shi, Haolin Jiang, 2-D Unconditionally Stable CFS-PML Based on CNDG for Truncating Unmagnetized Plasma Media, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2017, 27(4): 323-325. (SCI: 000399394700003)

[26] Jianxiong Li, Haolin Jiang, Xiaoming Zhao, Efficient FDTD  Implementation of the ADE-Based CN-PML for the Two-Dimensional TMz  Waves, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal,  2015,30(6): 688-1270. (SCI: 000356401800014)

[27] Jianxiong Li, Haolin Jiang, Xiaoming Zhao, Naixing Feng, Effective  CNAD- and ADE-Based CFS-PML Formulations for Truncating the Dispersive  FDTD Domains, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015,14:  1267-1270. (SCI: 000358069800024)

[28] Jianxiong Li, Yang Yu, Xiaoming Zhao, Z-transform for unconditional  stable Crank-Nicolson FDTD implementation of SC-PML for dispersive  Debye media, Electronics Letters, 2014,50(25): 1959-1961. (SCI:  000345994700038)

[29] Jianxiong Li, Shanlin Song, Xiaoyu Chen, Hua Nian, Weiguang Shi, Design and Implementation of A Novel Directional Coupler for UHF RFID Reader, Electronics, 2016, 20(1): 22-26 (EI:20170403275171 )

[30] Jianxiong LiYunxiang LiWeiguang Shi , Haolin Jiang, Luhong Mao ,  Two-element tapered slot antenna array for terahertz resonant tunneling  diode oscillatorsInternational Journal of Antennas and  Propagation2014: 847475. (SCI: 000344284900001)

[31] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, Modified Z-transform-based FDTD  algorithm for the anisotropic perfectly matched layer, International  Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields,  2008, 21(5): 279-286.  (SCI: 000259519300001)

[32] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, An efficient implementation of the  stretched coordinate perfectly matched layer, IEEE Microwave and  Wireless Component Letters, 2007, 17(5): 322-324. (SCI: 000246378400004)

[33] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, Efficient implementation of the stretched  coordinate perfectly matched layer based on the Z-transform method, IET  Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2007, 1(3): 645-650.  (SCI000247853300017)

[34] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, Wan Peng, Simple and efficient PML  algorithm for truncating nonlinear FDTD domains based on the Z-transform  method, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2007,  28(11): 1011-1024. (SCI: 000249814400012)

[35] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, Z-transform implementation of the CFS-PML  for arbitrary media, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters,  2006, 16(8): 437-439. (SCI: 000239356700001)
[36] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, Efficient implementation of stretched  co-ordinate perfectly matched layer using DSP techniques, Electronics  Letters, 2006, 42(17): 953-955. (SCI: 000240675300003
[37] Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, Z-transform implementations of the  CFS-PML, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2006, 5:  410-413. (SCI: 000243815900108


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[2] 基于用户公共速率最大化的能量分配方法,中国发明专利ZL201910092976.9

[3] 一种基于定向充电时间的可充电节点定位方法,中国发明专利ZL201810275509.5

[4] 一般干扰下SWIPT中继资源分配方法,中国发明专利ZL201910092634.7

[5] SWIPT系统中无源中继收集干扰能量来提高最优系统速率方法, 中国发明专利ZL201711343397.4

[6] 带有干扰能量收集的SWIPT中继功率分割系数调整方法, 中国发明专利ZL201711343396.X

[7] 一种智能波束切换算法, 中国发明专利ZL201610512687.6

[8] UHF RFID阅读器功率放大器, 中国发明专利ZL201510960733.4

[9] 一种基于排队理论的射频识别系统标签识别流程优化算法, 中国发明专利ZL201510621488.4



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