




2002.9-2006.6:河北工业大学 电子信息工程专业,本科;
2006.9-2009.6:南开大学 光学工程专业,硕士研究生;
2009.9-2012.6:南开大学 光学工程专业,博士研究生。
2012.7至今  天津工业大学电子与信息工程学院教师;

2022.09-2023.08 南开大学现代光学研究所 国内访问学者进修


1. 企业横向,超快激光超分辨加工系统设计,2024.04-2024.03, 100万元, 在研,主持

2. 企业横向,智能飞秒光纤布拉格光栅加工系统的开发,2023.01-2023.12, 100万元, 结题,参与

3. 企业横向,超短脉冲激光制备微结构光纤传感器的开发,2020.07-2020.12,4万元,结题,主持

4. 企业横向,可调谐多波长随机反馈激光器的开发,2020.10-2021.05, 6万元,结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61605144,超快激光成丝诱导空气激光的机制研究,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,结题,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61504094,InGaNP 薄膜带隙演化及其退火特性的物理机制研究,2016/01-2018/12,18万元,结题,参与

7. 天津市自然科学基金(青年项目),17JCQNJC2000,超快激光成丝诱导空气激光的机制研究,2017/04-2020/03, 6万元,结题,主持

8. 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(青年项目),14JCQNJC01800,间充质干细胞生物光子辐射的时域及光谱特性研究,2014/03-2017/02,6万元,结题,参与

9. 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目,20120907,超快激光成丝现象中多丝控制技术的研究,2012/11-2015/10,4万元,结题,主持


1. Di Zhu ,Chunhua Li ,Xiaodong Sun *, Yali Liu, Yuqi Zhang  and Hui Gao. The Effect of Air Turbulence on Vortex Beams in Nonlinear Propagation. Sensors, 23(4):1772(2023)

2. Di Zhu, Chunhua Li, Zhongkun Gao, Xiaodong Sun⁎ and Hui Gao. Nitrogen air lasing induced by multiple filaments array. Optoelectronics Letters, 18:354-359(2022) (EI检索)

3. Di Zhu, Xiaodong Sun, Junfa Zhao, Jinjun Bai. Switchable multi-wavelength random distributed feedback fiber laser. Optik,189:103-108(2019) SCI检索)

4. 孙晓东,超快激光成丝现象的多丝控制技术,北京理工大学出版社,ISSN: 978-7-5682-5760-2,专著:189千字

5. Jinjun Bai, Meilan Ge Jining Li, Chunxiao Tang, Xiaodong Sun*, Haiying Xing *Shengjiang Chang, Numerical investigation of broadband THz metamaterial absorber with double composite structure layerOptics Communications, 42363-682018(SCI三区)

6. Junfa Zhao Juan WangCheng ZhangWei XuXiaodong Sun Hua BaiLiying ChenFiber laser refractometer based on tunable bandpass filter tailored FBG reflectionOptics and Laser Technology99101-1062018(SCI三区)

7. Sun Xiaodong;Zhang Siwen;Wu Feng;Yang Jianing. Surface Electromagnetic Field Enhancement of Sub-Wavelength Metallic Groove Array. Chinese Journal of Lasers,44(11):11130012017)(EI检索)

8. Siwen Zhang, Xiaodong Sun, Feng Wu, Jianing Yang, The Role of Fabry-Perot Resonance for a Periodic Array of Gold Nano-Slits, Journal of Modern Opticsm,6311:1022-10282016)(SCI检索)

9. T Zeng, H Gao, X D Sun, L Lin and W Liu, Generation of multiple femtosecond laser filaments by using axicon in turbulent air, Laser Physics,25(8):0854012015)(SCI检索)

10. Xiaodong SunTao ZengHui GaoSiwen ZhangWeiwei LiuPower dependent filamentation of a femtosecond laser pulse in air by focusing with an axiconJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48:094004(2015) (SCI三区)

11. Tao Zeng (曾涛), HuiGao (高慧), Xiaodong Sun (孙晓东), and Weiwei Liu (刘伟伟)Turbulence-induced beam wandering during femtosecond laser filamentationChinese Optics Letters 13(7), 070008(2015) SCI检索)

12. Zhao, JunfaZhang, ChengJi, ZhihuaMiao, ChangYunGu, HongTong, ZhengrongSun, XiaodongBai, JinjunWidely tunable ultra-narrow linewidth single-longitudinal-mode Brillouin fiber laser with low thresholdLaser Physics2410)(2014(SCI三区)

13. Zhang, SiwenLiu, HaitaoSun, XiaodongRole of hybrid wave in electromagnetic enhancement by a metallic groove doubletJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision316):1194-1199 (SCI三区)

14. Zhao, Chuan-ZhenQu, You-YangWei, TongSun, Xiao-DongWang, Sha-ShaLu, Ke-QingA model forthe bandgap energy of the dilute nitride InGaNAs alloys by modifying simplified coherent potential approximationModern Physics Letters B288(2014) (SCI二区)

15. Xiaodong Sun, Hui Gao, Siwen Zhang and Weiwei Liu, Numerical simulation of the generation of multiple laser filaments by an axicon array, Journal of Modern Optics, 60(19): 1637-1643 (2013) (SCI检索)

16. Xiaodong Sun, Shengqi Xu, Jiayu Zhao, Weiwei Liu, Ya Cheng, Zhizhan Xu, See Leang Chin, and Guoguang Mu, Impressive laser intensity increase at trailing stage of femtosecond laser filamentation in air, Optics Express, 20(4): 4790-4795 (2012) (SCI二区)

17. Xiaodong Sun, Hui Gao, Bin Zeng, Shengqi Xu, Weiwei Liu, Ya Cheng, Zhizhan Xu, and Guoguang Mu, Multiple filamentation generated by focusing femtosecond laser with axicon, Optics Letters,37(5):857-859 (2012) (SCI二区)

18. Xu, ShengqiSun, XiaodongZeng, BinChu, WeiZhao, JiayuLiu, WeiweiCheng, YaXu, ZhizhanChin, See LeangSimple method of measuring laser peak intensity inside femtosecond laser filament in airOptics Express201):299-3072012(SCI二区)

19. Gao, HuiSun, XiaodongZeng, BinXu, ShengqiChu, WeiLiu, WeiweiCheng, YaXu, ZhizhanMu,GuoguangCylindrical symmetry breaking leads to multiple filamentation generation when focusing femtosecond lasers with axicons in methanolJournal of Optics146)(2012(SCI三区)

20. Xiao-Dong Sun, Deng-Feng Kuang and Guo-Guang Mu, Etching blazed grating into quartz substrate with selectivity 1:1 against photoresist by inductively coupled plasma technology, Optik,122(5): 402-406(2011) (SCI检索)

21. Xiaodong Sun, Yuyang Sun, Jing Bu, Siwei Zhu, and X.-C. Yuan, Structured light spots projected by a Dammann grating with high power efficiency and uniformity for optical sorting, Applied Optics, 49(28):5437-5443(2010(SCI三区)







