



政治面貌:党员邮箱: huiquan@tiangong.edu.cn







2011.08-2013.08   Johns Hopkins University BME Department国家公派访问学者

2008.09-2014.06   天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院生物医学工程博士

2004.09-2008.07   天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院生物医学工程学士

2005.09-2008.07   南开大学国际金融学(学士双学位)

2019-至今    天津工业大学,生物医学工程,副教授、科研院副院长

2018-2019    天津工业大学,生物医学工程,副教授、副院长

2014-2018    天津工业大学,生物医学工程,讲师、系主任


2012-2013  美国Baltimore华人专家学者联合会创始人之一、主席

2015 -2021  中国医疗保健国际交流促进会健康保障分会理事

2015-2017  江苏省“企业创新岗”特聘专家(科技副总)

2017-2021  安全防范技术与评估公安部重点实验室特聘研究员

2018-2021  中国人民大学卫生技术评估与医药政策研究中心委员

2019-   中国医学装备协会教育培训分会常委

2021-    中国老年医学会数字诊疗分会 副会长

2021-今    天津生物医学工程学会 理事




2014.07-今       精准医学与装备研究中心天津工业大学


2010.09-2013.08 Laboratory of Biophotonics Imaging and Therapy, Johns Hopkins University, USA

分子荧光断层层析成像(FMT)、光学层析成像(OCT): FMT系统搭建、散射模型的建立、仿真以及断层重建算法,实现对小鼠体内荧光物质浓度分布三维重建;SS-OCT系统设计。

2008.09-2010.08   生物医学信号分析与处理天津市重点实验室,天津大学


2008.09-2010.08   测量与控制工程国家重点实验室,天津大学



[1] 2022年 中国发明协会发明创业奖 一等奖

[2] 2021年 军队科学进步一等奖

[3] 2020年 天津市创新能手(共青团天津市委员会)

[4] 2020年 天津市优秀共产党员天津市委组织部去

[5 2019年 天津市中青年骨干创新人才培养计划天津市科技局

[6] 2019年 天津市科学进步二等奖

[7] 2018年 中国产学研合作个人创新奖

[8] 2018年 中国产学研合作项目成果一等奖

[9] 2017年 天津市“131”第三层次人才

[10] 2013年“The New Venture Competition”美中创新创业竞赛第二名 (美国)

[11] 2012 中国科技创业计划大赛“海创新秀奖”(Top20/2000



[1] 特殊环境下人体心血管应激反应相关研究(在研150万)

[2] 患者转运生命支持设备相关研究(在研150万)

[3] 基于人工智能的疾病辨识算法相关研究在研200

[4] 应激心血管高危损伤的无创多模态精准预警系统研究在研220

[5] 基于可穿戴数字诊疗技术相关研究在研50

[6] 呼吸系统疾病人工智能辨识关键技术研究结题90

[7] 自主循环恢复辨识相关关键技术研究结题60

[8] 面向肝癌精准检测的多光谱荧光分子断层重建关键技术在研22


[1] 用于新冠肺炎疫情的高流量湿化氧疗系统的研发


[2] 基于深度学习和多光谱融合的荧光分子断层成像肿瘤检测方法研究


[3] 基于磁、声刺激的脑力疲劳缓解关键技术及可穿戴设备研发


[4] 多光谱荧光分子断层成像肿瘤检测方法研究




[1] 肠道微生态关键技术与营养泵开发      江苏省产学研项目,60万,结题

[2] 柔性可穿戴人体应激反应装置      总装备部快速响应课题,10万,结题

[2] 双目硬质内窥镜关键技术研发                  企业委托,28万,结题

[3] 一种脑力疲劳干预技术和设备研发              企业委托,10万,结题

[4] 无创血压成分分析算法研发                     企业委托,5万,结题



49.Huiquan Wang, LinaRen, Zhe Zhao, Jinhai Wang*, Hongli Chen. Fast Localization Method of Anomaly in Tissue Based on Differential Optical Density. Biomedical Optical Express, 2018,9(5):2028-2026SCI二区

50.Huiquan Wang, Haojie Zhu, Zhe Zhao*, Yanfeng Zhao, Jinhai Wang. The study on increasing the identification accuracy of waxed apples by hyperspectral imaging technology, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 70(20) : 27505-27516. SCI三区

51.Huiquan Wang, Feng Xing, Boya Shi, Wenxuan Liang, Yongping Chen, Jinhai Wang, Xingde Li.Signal-to-noise ratio analysis and improvement for fluorescence tomography imaging. Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(9),2018SCI三区

52.Huiquan Wang, Wang Hui, Zhe Zhao*, Jinghong Miao*, Jinhai Wang. The influence of spectral characteristics on the accuracy of concentration quantitatively analysis by near infrared spectroscopy, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018, 94:96-101. SCI二区

53.Yuyu Wang, Gang Li, Huiquan Wang, Mei Zhou & Ling Lin. Dynamic Spectrum for noninvasive blood component analysis and its advances, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 2018,DOI: 10.1080/05704928.2018.1509344. SCI二区

54.陈瑞娟,戚昊峰,李炳南,王慧泉*,王金海. 基于栈式自编码器的磁探测电阻抗成像算法研究. 仪器仪表学报, 2019, 40(1):44-51.

55.Huiquan Wang,Fang Xia,Zhe Zhao,Xinwei He,Jinhai wang.Optical Parameters of tissue phantom measurement based on DPDW with multi-frequency modulation.


57.Ran Wei; Qirui Gan; Huiquan Wang; Yue You; Xin Dang. Short-term multiple power type prediction based on deep learning[J]. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 2019,  : 1-7.



60.Hui Yu; Guangpu Wang; Zhe Zhao; Huiquan Wang; Zhongqiang Wang. Chicken embryo fertility detection based on PPG and convolutional neural network[J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 103


62.Guang Han; Fang Liu; Ye Tian; Huiquan Wang; Jinhai Wang. Study on polarization distribution characteristics of polarized light in scattering media[C]. Hangzhou, China, 2019.

63.Zhe Zhao; Haoran Yin; Yan Wang; Wen Yan; Jinhai Wang; Huiquan Wang. Improving the detection accuracy of complex solution components based on multi-dimensional spectroscopy fusion method[J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 102



66.Guang Han; Fang Liu; Ye Tian; Huiquan Wang; Jinhai Wang; Yao Wang. Detection of glucose concentration in a turbid medium using a stacked auto-encoder deep neural network[J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 105

67.Ran WeiJinhai WangQirui GanXin DangHuiquan Wang, Predicting Electricity Usage Based on Deep Neural Network*,2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), Tianjin, China, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CIVEMSA45640.2019.9071602.

68.Yao WangKun LiXiaogang ChenYa'ru JiaHuiquan WangRan Wei,A study of three target brain-computer interface based on auditory steady-state response, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), Tianjin, China, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CIVEMSA45640.2019.9071617.

69.Zhe Zhao,Wen Yan,Haoran Yin,Amreen Batool,Huiquan Wang*,Hui Yu.Quantitative detection of turbid media components using textural features extracted from hyperspectral images.MicrochemicalJournal.2019,149:104009.(SCI:000480374600051,IF:2.891)

70.Huiquan Wang, Nian Wu, Lina Ren, Zhe Zhao, Guang Han, Jinhai Wang*. Optimization of Reconstruction Accuracy of Anomaly Position Based on Stacked Auto-Encoder Neural Networks. IEEE Access. 2019, 7(1):116578-116584. SCI二区

71.WANG Hui-quan,XIA Fang,JIA Wen,Hu Peng-Fei,ZHAO Zhe,ZHENG Bin,WANG     Han-jie,ZHENG Yu,WANG Jin-hai*.Indocyanine Green Accurately Track the Photo     therapy Based on W18O49@PLGA Nanostructure In Vivo for Visual Treat.Science     of Advanced Materials,2019,11(10):1423-1432.

72.Huiquan Wang, Fang Xia, Guang Han, Zhe Zhao, Hongli Chen,Jinhai Wang*.Optical Parameters Detection with Multi-frequency Modulation Based on NIR DPDW. Infrared Physics & Technology,2018,94:96-101.

73.Zhe Zhao*, Haoran Yin, Wen Yan, Hui Wang, Huiquan Wang*.Investigation on nearinfrared quantitative detection based on heteromorphic sample pool.Infrared Physics Technology.2019,97:444-447.

74.Ruijuan Chen, Juan Huang, Huiquan Wang, Bingnan Li, Zhe Zhao, Jinhai Wang, Yao Wang. A Novel Algorithm for High-Resolution Magnetic Induction Tomography Based on Stacked Auto-Encoder for Biological Tissue Imaging. IEEE Access 2019,7: 185597-185606. SCI二区

75.Ruijuan Chen, Weiwei Wu, Haofeng Qi, Jinhai Wang and Huiquan Wang, A stacked auto encoder neural network algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis with magnetic detection electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Access. 2020,8:5428-5437. (SCI: 000484235600006, 二区IF:2.69)

76.Huiquan Wang, Jianyu Gao, Zhe Zhao, Xing Feng, Wenjuan MaJinhai Wang, and Philip O. Ogunbona4. Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Reconstruction of Small Targets Using Stacked Auto-Encoder Neural Networks. IEEE Access. 2020, 8:37657-37663. SCI二区

77.Huiquan Wang, Nian Wu, Zhe Zhao, Guang Han, Jinhai Wang*. Cerebral hematoma continuous monitoring method based on MRI guided DOT. Biomedical Optics Express. 2020,11.6: 2964-2975. SCI二区

78.Huiquan Wang; Tianzi Feng; Nian Wu. Data Equalization Distribution Improves the Near-infrared Tissue Reconstruction based on Stacked Auto-encoder[C]. , 2020.

79.Zhe Zhao; Haohan Niu; Xiangtao Wu; Shuzhen Han; Huiquan Wang; Bo Jiang. Local Threshold Adaptive Endoscope Intestinal Center Localization Method Based on Morphological Reconstruction[C]. , 2020.


81.Liu Ming; Wang Kangning; Chen Xiaogang; Zhao Jing; Chen Yuanyuan; Wang Huiquan; Wang Jinhai; Xu Shengpu. Indoor Simulated Training Environment for Brain-Controlled Wheelchair Based on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials[J]. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2020,

82.Zhang Ting; Lu Gaochen; Zhao Zhe; Liu Yafei; Shen Quan; Li Pan; Chen Yaoyao; Yin Haoran; Wang Huiquan; Marcella Cicilia; Cui Bota; Cheng Lei; Ji Guozhong; Zhang Faming. Washed microbiota transplantation vs. manual fecal microbiota transplantation: clinical findings, animal studies and in vitro screening.[J]. Protein & cell, 2020, 11(4) : 251-266.

83.Science - Analytical Science; Findings in the Area of Analytical Science Reported from Tiangong University (Design of a scanning magnetic induction phase measurement system for respiratory monitoring)[J]. Science Letter, 2020,  : 381-.

84.Science - Analytical Science; Investigators at Tianjin Polytechnic University Discuss Findings in Analytical Science (Technologies for Magnetic Induction Tomography Sensors and Image Reconstruction In Medical Assisted Diagnosis: a Review)[J]. Journal of Engineering, 2020,  : 1093-.

85.Yu Hui; Yan Wen; Sun Jinglai; Wang Huiquan; Zhao Zhe. Study on quantitative detection of turbid solution components based on ellipse fitting[J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020,

86.Ijaz Muhammad; Li Gang; Wang Huiquan; ElSherbeeny Ahmed M.; Moro Awelisah Yussif; Lin Ling; Koubaa Anis; Noor Alam. Intelligent Fog-Enabled Smart Healthcare System for Wearable Physiological Parameter Detection[J]. Electronics, 2020, 9(12) : 2015-2015.

87.Zhao Zhe; Wang Yan; Yin Haoran; Yue Chunyang; Wang Huiquan; Han Guang; Wang Jinhai; Miao Jinghong; Zhang Guang; Yu Ming; Chen Feng. Research on quantitative analysis of turbid media based on multi-dimension radial distance method[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2020, 111 : 103512-.

88.Chen Ruijuan; Huang Juan; Song Yixiang; Li Bingnan; Wang Jinhai; Wang Huiquan. Deep learning algorithms for brain disease detection with magnetic induction tomography[J]. Medical Physics, 2020, 48(2) : 745-759.

89.Cao, YuzhenMao, JiayongYu, HuiZhang,Qinhao;Wang,Huiquan;Zhang, QuanluGuo, Lingfei;Gao,Fei., A Novel Hybrid Active Contour Model for Intracranial Tuberculosis MRI Segmentation Applications, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 149569-149585, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3016746.

90.Heart rate variability enhances the accuracy of non-invasive continuous blood pressure estimation under blood loss2021.07Review of Scientific Instruments第一作者1.523

91.Application of deep convolutional neural networks for discriminating benign, borderline, and malignant serous ovarian tumors from ultrasound images2021.12Frontiers in Oncology通讯作者6.244

92.High-frequency Cochlear Amplifier Dysfunction: a Dominating Contribution to the Cognitive-ear Link2021.12Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience通讯作者、未检索5.75

93.Deep learning for brain disease detection with MIT2021.02Medical Physics通讯作者4.071

94.A Novel Approach to Estimate Blood Pressure of Blood Loss Continuously Based on Stacked Auto-encoder Neural Networks2021.07Biomedical Signal Processing and Control第一作者3.88

95.Enhancement of signal-to-noise ratio for fluorescence endoscope image based on fast digital lock-in algorithm2021.02Royal society open science第一作者2.963

96.Hyperspectral Image Feature Region of Solution Composition Analysis Method Based on Multidimensional Spectra2022.06Infrared Physics & Technology通讯作者2.638

97.Classification of Alzheimer's disease based on deep learning of brain structural and metabolic data2022.06Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience第一作者5.75

98.Wang Yao; Dong Gaoyuan; Shi Limeng; Yang Tianshun; Chen Ruijuan; Wang Huiquan; Han Guang. Depression of auditory cortex excitability by transcranial alternating current stimulation[J]. Neuroscience Letters, 2021, 742

99.Wang, Yao;Ji, Siyu ; Yang, TianshunWang, XiaohongWang, HuiquanZhao, Xiaoyun, An Efficient Method to Detect Sleep Hypopnea- Apnea Events Based on EEG Signals, in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 641-650, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3038486.




1. 磁性药物引导系统发明. ZL 200710057046.7

2. 一种使用多模式连续血压测量装置的自标定方法发明.ZL 201510125529.0

3. 一种多模式连续血压测量装置发明ZL 2015 2 016910.3

4. 一种医用腔道内容物目标成分回收器械发明201310051614.8

5. 一种用于测量物质光学参数的漫射光子密度波系统新型ZL 2017 2 0520849.0

6. 一种基于相关性的脉搏波传导时间获取方法发明ZL 2016 1 1168808.6 2019.12.27

7. 一种用于快速采集脑血肿程度信号的检测装置发明ZL 2016 1 1170343.8 2020.04.10

8. 一种头带式异质体检测设备及头部异质体检测方法发明ZL 2019 1 0530476.9 2020.08.07

9. 一种复杂溶液成分浓度的检测方法及系统发明ZL 2020 1 0235335.7 2021.06.29

10. 一种可识别蛋白质的分子印迹水凝胶修饰电极的制备方法发明ZL 2019 1 0047334.72021.05.18

11. 一种心电映射方法及系统发明ZL 2021 1 0308434.8 2022.04.22

12. 一种连续血压测量及自标定方法发明ZL 2021 1 0198815.5 2022.03.22

13. 一种使用多模式连续血压测量装置的自标定方法发明ZL 2015 1 0125529.0 2018.01.30


1. 便携式12导联心电信号采集装置及其使用方法发明202010045305X2020/5/12

2. 一种心电采集系统、采集方法及心电采集系统的制备方法发明2021105863144 2021/8/24

3. 多项生理参数检测手套和高血压病症患病风险检测系统发明20218000247332021/12/20

4. 便携式12导联心电信号采集装置及其使用方法发明PCT/2021/0796312021/7/22

5. 一种心电采集系统、采集方法及心电采集系统的制备方法发明PCT/2021/1031702021/6/29

6. 多项生理参数检测手套和高血压病症患病风险检测系统发明PCT/2021/1132232021/8/18



1. 基于深度学习的生物组织内异质体位置检测软件,天津工业大学,2018SR714083

2. 心电图机自动监测系统软件V1.0,天津工业大学,2018SR713488

3. 脉率及呼吸频率检测分析软件,天津工业大学,2019R11L912163

4. 荧光电子腹腔镜成像系统软件,天津工业大学,2019R11L692012

5. 基于rPPG的非接触式心率检测系统,天津工业大学,2019R11L912121

6. 基于SVM的阿尔兹海默症预测分类软件,天津工业大学,2019SR0845330

7. 基于深度学习的阿尔兹海默症预测分类软件,天津工业大学,2019SR0845318

8. 基于FMT的多模态融合提升信噪比操作软件,天津工业大学,2019SR0846292

9. 基于深度学习的近红外脑血肿监测软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1014967

10. 基于深度学习的脑血肿图像重建质量分析软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1014423

11. 脑血肿图像重建算法软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1005981

12. 疲劳分析及干预软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1173910

13. 无线心电监控软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1005350

14. 小信号采集控制软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1005357

15. 基于快速锁相算法的蛋胚检测系统,天津工业大学,2020SR1173906

16. 基于弱灌注的脉搏波采集系统,天津工业大学,2020SR1022302

17. 多功能菌液快速检测软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1015402

18. 基于校园局域网的实验室资源管理软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1022295

19. 基于PWTT的无袖带血压测量软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1004944

20. 脉搏波传导时间计算及提取软件,天津工业大学,2020SR1005973