











1. 人体生理信号处理与检测包括生物电信号、声音信号等);

2. 医学数据智能分析与识别(包括疾病的预测与辅助诊断);

3. 脑电信号分析与处理(包含经颅电刺激、脑机接口、脑控机器人等)。


2011-2016 清华大学医学院生物医学工程专业,博士研究生,工学博士,导师:宫琴;  

2007-2011 华南理工大学生物科学与工程学院生物医学工程专业,本科,工学学士.


2020.10-至今      天津工业大学  生命科学学院  副教授,智能医学工程系

2019.05-2020.09   天津工业大学  生命科学学院  讲师

2016.10-2019.04  天津工业大学  电子与信息工程学院  讲师




[1] Ma W, Zhang Y , Li X, Liu S, Gao Y , Yang J, Xu L, Liang H, Ren F , Gao F and Wang Y. High-Frequency Hearing Loss Is Associated With Anxiety and Brain Structural Plasticity in Older Adults. Front. Aging Neurosci. 2022, 14:821537. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.821537  (SCI, IF: 5.75, Q1)

[2] Yao Wang, Xiao Li , Fuxin Ren, Siqi Liu, Wen Ma, Yue Zhang, Zhihang Qi, Jing Yang, Honghao Li, Xinxing Fu, Huiquan Wang*and Fei Gao*, High-Frequency Cochlear Amplifier Dysfunction: A Dominating Contribution to the Cognitive-Ear Link. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2022, 13:767570. SCI: 000745183600001 (SCI, IF: 5.75, Q1)

[3] Yao Wang, Zhuangwen Xiao, Shuaiwen Fang, Weiming Li; Jinhai Wang*, Xiaoyun Zhao*, BI - Directional long short-term memory for automatic detection of sleep apnea events based on single channel EEG signal. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022,142. (SCIE, IF: 4.589, Q2)

[4] Yao Wang, Siyu Ji, Tianshun Yang, Xiaohong Wang, Huiquan Wang, Xiaoyun Zhao* and Jinhai Wang. An effective method for distinguishing sleep apnea and hypopnea based on ECG signals. IEEE Access. 2021, 9: 67928-67941. SCI: 000649695500001 (SCIE, IF: 3.8, Q2)

[5] Yao Wang, Siyu Ji, Tianshun Yang, Xiaohong Wang, Huiquan Wang, and Xiaoyun Zhao*. An Efficient Method to Detect Sleep Hypopnea- Apnea Events Based on EEG Signals. IEEE Access. 2021, 9: 641-650. SCI: 000606783600001 (SCIE, IF: 3.8, Q2)

[6] Yao Wang, Gaoyuan Dong, Limeng Shi, Tianshun Yang, Ruijuan Chen, Huiquan Wang, and Guang Han*. Depression of auditory cortex excitability by transcranial alternating current stimulation. Neuroscience Letters. 2021,742,135559. SCI: 000604583700035 (SCIE, IF: 2.202, Q4)

[7] Xiaoyun Zhao, XiaohongWang, Tianshun Yang, Siyu Ji, HuiquanWang, JinhaiWang, Yao Wang*, and Qi Wu*. Classifcation of sleep apnea based on EEG sub-band signal characteristics. Scientific Reports. 2021,11:5824. (SCI, IF: 4.044, Q3)

[8] Yao Wang, Limeng Shi, Gaoyuan Dong, Zuoying Zhang and Ruijuan Chen*. Effects of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation on Human Auditory Processing and BehaviorA Review. Brain Sciences. 2020, 8(10): 531. SCI:000564069900001 (SCIE, IF: 3.332, Q3)

[9] Yao Wang, Zhihang Qi, Mengmeng Yu, Jinhai Wang and Ruijuan Chen*. Characteristic of Stimulus Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions: Detection Rate, Musical Training Influence, and Gain Function. Brain Sciences. 2019, 9(10):255. SCI: 000493515400007 (SCIE, IF: 3.332, Q3)

[10] Yao Wang, Qin Gong*, Tao Zhang, The influence of probe level on the tuning of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emissions and behavioral test in human. Biomedical engineering online. 2016,15:51. SCI000375485800001. (IF: 2.013, Q3, Citation number: 3)

[11] Ruijuan Chen, Juan huang, Huiquan Wang, Bingnan Li, Zhe Zhao, Jinhai Wang, Yao Wang*. A Novel Algorithm for High-Resolution Magnetic Induction Tomography Based on Stacked Auto-Encoder for Biological Tissue Imaging. IEEE Access, 2019.12.31, 7(1): 185597~185606. SCI: 000510021700098 (IF: 3.745, Q2)

[12] Guang Han, Fang Liu, Ye Tian, Huiquan Wang, Jinhai Wang, Yao Wang*. Detection of glucose concentration in a turbid medium using a stacked autoencoder deep neural network. Infrared Physics&Technology. 2020,105,103198. SCI000526110800047IF2.379Q2

[13] Qin Gong*, Yao Wang, Meng Xian, An objective assessment method for frequency of the human auditory system. Biomedical Engineering online. 2014, 13: 171. SCI: 000340911400001. EI: 201434003057. (IF: 2.013, Q3)

[14] Qin Gong*, Yao Wang, Musical training sharpens behavioral tuning more saliently than peripheral tuning. Neuroreport. 2019, 30(17): 1210-1214. SCI: 000509680600012

[15] Yao Wang, Kun Li, Xiang Zhang, Jinhai Wang, Ran Wei*, Research on the Application of Augmented Reality in SSVEP-BCI, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p505-509, April 23, 2020, ICCAI. Tianjin, China. EI: 20204109334264

[16] Yao Wang, Xiang Zhang, Kun Li, Jinhai Wang, Xiaogang Chen*, Humanoid Robot Control System Based on AR-SSVEP, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p529-533, April 23, 2020, ICCAI. Tianjin, China. EI: 20204109334207

[17] Yao Wang, Kun Li, Xiaogang Chen*, Huiquan Wang, Ran Wei, A study of three target brain-computer interface based on auditory steady-state response, The IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA) Jun 14-16, 2019. Tianjin, China. EI: 20202008668245

[18] Yao Wang, Qin Gong*, Tao Zhang, Relationship between the tuning characteristics of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emissions and behavioral tests at moderate levels, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-12, 2015, Toronto, Canada. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 1088-1091. EI: 20154201415192

[19] 王瑶,宫琴*,抑制准则对刺激频率耳声发射抑制调谐曲线调谐特性的影响,清华学报(自然科学版),2015, 55(1):128-133. EI:20152100871634.

[20] 陈瑞娟,吴伟巍,李芳,王慧泉,王瑶*,基于结构先验信息的磁探测电阻抗成像算法研究,仪器仪表学报,2020, 41(4): 95-103.

[21] 宫琴*王瑶,刺激频率耳声发射抑制调谐曲线的教学实验平台的搭建及应用,中国听力语言康复科学杂志,2014, 12(1):56-59

[22] 王金海,贾亚茹,陈小刚*王瑶,李坤,孟佳,刺激类型对听觉稳态响应的影响,中国生物医学工程学报, 2019, 38(01):47-53.

[23] 刘明, 王康宁, 陈小刚, 王瑶,王慧泉,蒲江波,谢小波,王金海,徐圣谱*. 基于Matlab环境的脑控轮椅搭建与实验验证[J]. 北京生物医学工程, 2019, 38(2):190-197.


[1] 王瑶,亓之航,李坤,孟佳,张翔,无创复合神经动作电位调谐曲线校准及检测系统,2020. 03. 24, 中国,ZL 2018 2 2251987.0

[2] 宫琴,王瑶,先梦,黎婷婷,张硕越,一种刺激频率耳声发射调谐曲线检测及校准系统,2014.11.6,中国,ZL 201210333260.1

[3] 宫琴,先梦,王瑶,张硕越,黎婷婷,一种纯音测听和心理物理调谐曲线检测系统,2014.11.26,中国,ZL 201210308105.4

[4] 宫琴,黎婷婷,王瑶,刘帅,武远泉,先梦,一种复合神经动作电位调谐曲线校准及检测系统,2014.6.4,中国,ZL 201210374447.6

[5] 宫琴,王瑶,孙文生,徐钦,李晓林,一种频率跟随响应信号测试系统,2015.4.22,中国,ZL 201210422599.9

[6] 便携式智能听力综合检测APP,天津工业大学,2019.08.10, 2019SR1203948.

[7] 离在线视频中物体实时跟踪软件,天津工业大学,2019.05.31, 2019SR0757331.



2.  天津市自然科学基金青年项目,No. 19JCQNJC13100,音乐训练对听觉传导通路强度和频率灵敏度可塑性的影响研究,2019/04-2022/03,在研,项目负责人。

3.  国家重点研发计划数字诊疗装备研发专项,No. 2019YFC0119400,面向复合呼吸支持的 SPAP 高流量呼吸湿化治疗仪,2019/12-2021/12,课题子任务负责人。

4.  天津市教委科研计划项目,No.2018KJ212,音乐训练对听觉外周频率选择特性的影响及其机制研究,2018/09-2020/09,在研,项目负责人。

5.  国家青年科学基金项目,No.61705164,弱激光疗法对高糖诱导的成纤维细胞线粒体氧化应激损伤的修复作用,2018/01-2020/12,在研,主要完成人(排名第二)。

6.  天津市教委科研计划项目,No.2018KJ214, 弱激光联合人脐带间充质干细胞移植 对大鼠脊髓损伤的修复作用研究,2018/09-2020/09,在研,主要完成人(排名第二)。

7.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.61271133,刺激频率耳声发射对听觉功能频率选择特性的客观检测研究,2013/01-2016/12,已结题,主要完成人。

8.  深圳市自然科学基金项目,No.JCYJ20140827160046745,频率跟随响应对音调的跟随表征及其临床应用的关键技术研究,2015/1-2016/12,已结题,主要完成人。


1. 天津市高校“青年后备人才支持计划”人选

2. 天津市131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次人选

3. 频率选择特性评估系统,日内瓦国际发明展银奖,2017.3

4. 听觉系统综合检测平台,第22届全国发明展览会暨第2届世界发明创新论坛发明创业奖·项目奖金奖,2017.11

5. 天津市第十五届高校青年教师教学竞赛(工科组)二等奖


1. 中国生物医学工程学会会员

2. 中国医学促进会临床工程与健康产业分会会员

3. 中国医学装备协会教育培训分会第三届委员

4. 国家自然科学基金项目评议人