1. 第三代半导体用高端金属有机源与耐高能量密度封装材料产业化技术,
2. 数字人三维建模数据集关系处理技术服务项目,企业委托,69.7万元,在研
3. 智能机器人流程自动化关键技术研究及应用,企业委托,85.5万元,在研
4. 光照模拟器光源子系统方案设计,企业委托,87万元,在研。
5. 无人机载伤员搜索与伤情评估,企业委托,50万元,在研。
6. 全碳化硅充电桩的研制和规模示范应用,企业委托,211万元,完成。
7. 电力异质能高效转换利用可行性方案研究,企业委托,60万元,完成。
8. 智慧加氢站的关键技术研究,90万元,企业委托,完成。
9. 智能化目标识别跟踪系统及在电力巡线中的示范应用,天津市科技重大专项(第二单位),30万,完成。
10. 物联网技术在智能照明中的应用研究,14万元,企业委托,完成。
11. 天津国家半导体照明工程高新技术产业化基地知识产权信息服务平台,科技重大专项与工程(省部级)50万元,2018年完成。
12. 第三代半导体的多物理场云服务检测平台,国家火炬计划,40万元,2016年完成。
13. 天津市半导体照明公共技术服务平台,天津市科技计划(省部级),50万元,2014年完成。
14. LED光电热磁相互作用机理及其综合特性研究,天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划(省部级),20万元,2013年完成。
15. 半导体照明公共技术服务平台,国家火炬计划,150万元,2013年完成。
16. 国产芯片高效智能LED路灯开发项目,国家863计划,429万元,2012年完成。
17. 高出光率的GaN基光子晶体的研制,天津市高等学校科技发展基金重点项目,10万元,2012年完成。
18. 超高亮度红光发光二极管外延片、功率型芯片及应用示范工程,天津市科技创新专项项目(省部级),152万元,2010年完成。
[1] Deep Residual Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network With Attention Mechanism for Bearing Fault Diagnosis Under Strong Noise Environment[J].IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024.
[2] Strategies and challenges for improving the performance of two-dimensional materials-based gas sensors[J].Advances in Physics-X, 2024.
[3] Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Accurate Spectrum Prediction in Design of Terahertz Fiber Operating in 6G Communication Window[J].IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2024.
[4] Metallization and magnetoresistivity reversal of FePS 3 under extreme pressure[J].Vacuum, 2024.
[5] Electrical transport properties of ZrS2 under high pressure[J]. VACUUM.2024
[6] Comparative Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics of an Angular Velocity System of 2-DOF Aerial Manipulator with Different Physical Parameters[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS.2024
[7] Magnetic circuit optimisation and actuator suspension experiment of the 6-DOF magnetic suspension platform for mini/micro LED[J]. ELECTRONICS LETTERS.2024.(SCI)
[8] Belt conveyor speed detection based on fiber-optic Sagnac interferometer vibration sensor[J] LASER PHYSICS.2024.(SCI)
[9] Anisotropic sensing based on single ReS2 flake for VOCs discrimination[J] NANOTECHNOLOGY.2024.(SCI)
[10] Synergistically enhanced thermoelectric and mechanical performance of Bi2Te3 via industrial scalable hot extrusion method for cooling and power generation applications[J]. MATERIALS TODAY PHYSICS, 2023.(SCI)
[11] Modeling and nonlinear dynamic analysis of angular velocity system of 2-DOF aerial manipulator[J]. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, 2023.(SCI)
[12] A Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network Combining Global Feature Extraction and Detailed Feature Extraction for Bearing Compound Fault Diagnosis[J]. SENSORS.2023.(SCI收录)
[13] Optoelectronic Materials, Devices, and Applications[J]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL.2023.(SCI收录)
[14] Image denoising using adaptive bi-dimensional stochastic resonance system[J]. Ferroelectrics.2023.(SCI收录)
[15] High surface quality heteroepitaxy α-Ga2O3 film on sapphire by mist-CVD technique[J]. Semiconductor Science and Technology.2023(SCI收录)
[16] 基于Pd及其复合膜的光纤氢气传感器的研究进展[J]. 传感器与微系统,2023.
[17] Highly precise measurement of depth for μLED based on single camera[J]. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation.2022(SCI收录)
[18] Model-free Controls of Manipulator Quadrotor UAV Under Grasping Operation and Environmental Disturbance[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION.2022(SCI收录)
[19] Design and Analysis of a 6-DOF Magnetic Suspension Platform with an Improved Permanent Magnetic Array[J]. SENSORS.2022(SCI收录)
[20] The Adhesive Force Measurement between Single μLED and Substrate Based on Atomic Force Microscope[J]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL.2022(SCI收录)
[21] Strain Relaxation Effect on the Peak Wavelength of Blue InGaN/GaN Multi-Quantum Well Micro-LED[J]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL.2022(SCI收录)
[22] 无线充电系统三种耦合线圈偏移特性研究[J]. 电气传动,2022.
[23] Maximum cross-correlated kurtosis based unsaturated stochastic resonance and its application to bearing fault diagnosis[J]. Chinese Journal of Physics.2021.(SCI收录)
[24] Electrical transport properties of EuTe under high pressure. [J]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C .2021.(SCI收录)
[25] Maximum cross-correlated kurtosis-based unsaturated stochastic resonance and its application to bearing fault diagnosis[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2021.(SCI收录)
[26] Application of needle-free roller spinning technology in nanofibers[J]. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES 2021.(SCI收录)
[27] Design and analysis of Lorentz magnetic bearing for magnetic suspended control and sensing gyroscope[J]. ELECTRONICS LETTERS 2021.(SCI收录)
[28] Highly precise measurement of depth for μLED based on single camera [J]. Measurement.2021.(SCI收录)
[29] 基于BP神经网络的氢气传感器数据拟合与研究[J].现代电子技术.2021.
[30] 磁导航AGV路径跟踪控制系统设计[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术.2021.
[31] Micro-LED巨量转移磁悬浮平台设计与磁路特性分析[J].微纳电子与智能制造.2021.
[32] 抑制SiC MOSFET瞬态电压尖峰的改进驱动电路设计[J].科技创新与应用.2021.
[33] 基于自适应分段混合系统的轴承故障诊断[J]. 航空动力学报.2021.(EI 收录)
[34] Early diagnosis of bearing faults using decomposition and reconstruction stochastic resonance system[J].Measurement,2020.(SCI)
[35] A new method for preparing needle-free cylindrical nozzle nanofibers[J] .Journal of Industrial Textiles.2020.(SCI收录),
[36] An adaptive empirical mode decomposition and stochastic resonance system in high efficient detection of Terahertz radar signal[J]. Ferroelectrics.2020.(SCI收录)
[37] Cooling and Mechanical Performance Analysis of a Trapezoidal Thermoelectric Cooler withVariable Cross-Section[J] .Energies. 2020.(SCI收录)
[38] Multi-objective optimization of thermoelectric cooler using genetic algorithms[J] .AIP Advances.2019.(SCI收录)
[39] High-Performance Flexible Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on AZO/ZnO/PVK/PEDOT:PSS Heterostructures Integrated on Human Hair[J]. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES.2019.(SCI)
[40] Research on UAV image denoising effect based on im-proved Wavelet Threshold of BEMD[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019.(EI收录),
[41] Electrical transport properties of gallium phosphide under high pressure[J].Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 2019.(SCI)
[42] Ultrasonic mist chemical vapor deposition and dielectric properties of cubic pyrochlore bismuth magnesium niobate thin films[J]. Applied Physics Express, 2019.(SCI)
[43] Reversible metallization and carrier transport behavior of In2S3 under high pressure[J].AIP Advances, 2018.(SCI)
[44] Multi-wavelength tailoring of a ZnGa2O4 nanosheet phosphor via defect engineering[J]. NANOSCALE.2018.(SCI)
[45] High-performance phototransistor based on individual high electron mobility MnWO4 nanoplate[J]. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS.2018(SCI)
[46] Investigation on high-efficiency Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.01Ga0.99As/Ge triple-junction solar cells for space applications[J].AIP Advances, 2017.(SCI)
[47] 高反射率硅基薄膜一维光子晶体的研究制备[J].发光学报,2017.(EI)
[48] 汽车前照大灯智能化的现状与发展[J].照明工程学报,2017.
[49] 电子辐照GaN基LED的缺陷光学性能研究[J].发光学报,2016.(EI)
[50] 基于低维相变薄膜的显示器件光学性质的研究[J].发光学报,2016.(EI)
[51] Design of Adaptive LED Supplemental Lighting System[J].International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology,2016. (EI)
[52] 基于静电纺丝工艺的LED远程荧光片制备技术[J].发光学报,2016. (EI)
[53] 基于复眼透镜LED蓝绿光黄疸光疗系统的研究与设计[J].生物医学工程学杂志,2016.(EI)
[54] 电子束辐照GaN基LED的能量沉积研究[J].半导体技术,2016.
[55] 基于光子晶体结构的微环谐振器的传输特性分析[J].电工技术学报,2015. (EI)
[56] AlGaInP材料LED的电子束辐照效应的PL谱分析[J].电工技术学报,2015.(EI)
[57] 电流对LED特性参数的影响[J].电工技术学报,2015.(EI)
[58] 高功率因数的90W LED路灯驱动电源设计[J].电工技术学报,2014.(EI)
[59] 基于共振隧穿机制的太赫兹波振荡器特性模拟[J].电工技术学报,2014.(EI)
[60] 基于等效热路法的LED阵列散热性能研究[J].发光学报,2013.(EI)
[61] LED照明系统自由曲面透镜设计分析[J].激光与光电子学进展,2013.
[62] 电流对LED特性参数的影响[J].电工技术学报,2013.(EI)
[63] 电子束辐照对GaN基LED发光性能的影响[J].发光学报,2012.(EI)
[64] The properties of GaMnN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition using Raman spectroscopy[J].Chin. Phys. B, 2012.(SCI)
[65] Research progress on packaging thermal management techniques of high power LED[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012.(SCI)
[66] Monochromatic blue-green and red emission of rare earth ions in MgCa2O4 spinel[J].Journal of Luminescence,2009.(SCI)
[67] Blue-excited luminescence of Eu-doped strontium boroaluminate glasses[J]. Journal of Luminescence,2008.(SCI)