Alan Conrad Bovik教授与Katsushi Ikeuchi


817日,受我校电子与信息工程学院邀请,美国德克萨斯州大学Chair Professor(讲座教授)Alan Conrad Bovik与日本东京大学教授Katsushi Ikeuchi来我校进行学术访问与交流。两位教授首先参观了本实验室,听取了负责教师对机器视觉相关设备仪器及项目的介绍,对学院的科研条件和研究课题给予了高度评价;随后进行了座谈,其中Katsushi Ikeuchi教授作了题为《E-heritage Project, Cyber Archaeology and Cyber Humanities》的学术报告,报告内容丰富,视角前沿,使与会师生丰富了专业知识,开阔了眼界,拓展了思维。随后参会教师与研究生针对机器视觉、图像处理等研究领域与两位教授进行了现场互动,就关心问题展开了热烈交流。

Alan Conrad Bovik简介

Al Bovik is the Curry/Cullen Trust Endowed Chair Professor at The University of Texas at Austin. He has received a number of major awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, including: the Society Award (2013); the Technical Achievement Award (2005); the Best Paper Award (2009); the Education Award (2007); the Magazine Best Paper Award (2013); the Distinguished Lecturer Award (2000); the Young Author Best Paper Award (2013); and the Meritorious Service Award (1998). He has also received the SPIE Technology Achievement Award in 2012, the IS&T Honorary Membership in 2014, and was named Imaging Scientist of the Year by IS&T/SPIE in 2011. He is the author or co-author of The Handbook of Image and Video Processing, Modern Image Quality Assessment, and two recent books, The Essential Guides to Image and Video Processing.Al co-founded and served as the longest-serving Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (1996-2002), and created and served as the first General Chairman of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, held in Austin, Texas, in November, 1994.


Katsushi Ikeuchi简介

Dr. Katsushi Ikeuchi is a Professor at the University of Tokyo. He received a Ph.D. degree inInformation Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1978. After working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s AI Lab for two years, Electrotechnical Lab, Japan for five years, and Carnegie Mellon University for ten years, he joined the university in 1996. His research interest spans computer vision, robotics, and computer graphics. He general/program-chaired more than a dozen of international conferences, including IROS95, CVPR96, ICCV03, ICRA2009, ICPR2012. He is an EIC of International Journal of Computer Vision. He has received several awards, including the IEEE Marr Award, the IEEE RAS “most active distinguished lecturer” award and the IEEE PAMI-TC Distinguished Researcher Award as well as ShijuHoushou (the Medal of Honor with Purple ribbon) from the Emperor of Japan. He is a fellow of IEEE, IEICE, IPSJ, and RSJ.



