2018年第二届生物医学工程和生物信息学国际会议(2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, ICBEB 2018)和第一届电子电气工程技术国际会议(1st International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering Technology, EEET 2018)由我校电子与信息工程学院承办,将于2018年9月19日-21日在我校学术会议中心同时召开。
1. 2018年9月19日:注册,天津工业大学学术中心大厅
2. 2018年9月20日8:50-12:30:主题报告,天津工业大学学术中心
(1) Prof. Jing Bai, University of Minnesota Duluth, USA
Topic: Dynamic Behavior of Nonlinear Dispersive Quantum-Cascade Lasing Medium under Different Cavity Configurations
(2) Prof. Francis Y. L. Chin, University of Hong Kong, China
Topic: ―Why Genome Assembly so Difficult?
(3) Prof. Ming Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Topic: Non-Coding RNAs and their Versatile Interactions
(4) Prof. Hyoungseop Kim, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Topic: Computer Aided Diagnosis: Conventional Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning
(5) Prof. Philip Olurotimi Ogunbona, University of Wollongong, Australia
Topic: Engineering in the Age of Deep Learning
(6) Dr. Lucia Ballerini, University of Edinburgh, UK
Topic: Image Analysis in Small Vessel Disease
3. 2018年9月20日13:30-18:45:分会场报告,学术中心各会议室
Session 1: Bioinformatics and Basic Medicine
Session 4: Medical Image Analysis and Clinical Application
Session 2: Image Processing Technology and Method
Session 5: Communication and Signal Processing
Session 3: Modern Electronic Information Technology and Application
Session 6: Power System and Electrical Engineering
2nd Tianjin Polytechnic University Biomedical Interdiscipline Form (第二届天津工业大学BIO+多学科交叉学术研讨会)
ICBEB 2018详细信息:http://www.icbeb.net/
EEET 2018详细信息:http://www.eeet.org/